Same Worries, 11 Years Later
I will be in New Orleans in August. I asked my sister if I was crazy to do three book events, she said, "no." If five people show up at each that's fifteen potential new fans! I had so much fun with Linda Addison at Bluestockings that I'm having two guests. Moira Crane, author of "The Not Yet," and my father, Kalamu ya Salaam!
If you're in New Orleans, please come out and be one of my five audience members!
New Orleans Readings
• Monday, August 13: Octavia Books, 513 Octavia Street, 6 p.m.–8 p.m.
• Wednesday , August 15: Maple St. Books in the Healing Center, 2372 St. Claude Ave., 6:30 p.m.–8 p.m.
Featuring Moira Crane, "The Not Yet"
• Friday, August 17: Community Book Center, 2523 Bayou Road, 6 p.m.–8 p.m.
Featuring Kalamu ya Salaam and Hosted by the MelaNated Collective
Also, catch me on the Reading Life radio show on 89.9 WWNO
• August 7 at 1:30 p.m.
• August 12 at noon
• On demand at
It's crazy how we can travel so far and yet find ourselves harboring the same fears, internal obstacles, and worry.
Back in 2001, I wrote: Fast forward to this year and I am quietly trying to convince myself it's time for me to start a new novel."
I also wrote: "Deciding to write a new novel brings up a lot of fears."
Did I really write that *ELEVEN* years ago? It is still true today. As I'm writing essays and short stories, promoting my book, reading, I am quietly trying to convince myself to write a new novel.
And yes, it brings up a lot of fears. Fear that I won't make it... again. Fear that a passion for the story will never rise up to rescue me from relying on discipline. (At my reading Friday night Linda was discussing novel writing with another writer and he said it takes him about three months before he's gripped by his novel.) Fear that I can't commit to an idea. Fear that I am wasting time--because if the novel isn't going to work, I shouldn't spend my time starting something I'll never finish, right?
hee - hee
Everything old is new again... or it never aged, it just hid out and took a different form. Since I wrote about writing a new novel in 2001, I have written a novel. It's better than my first novel. It's more complete, has fully realized characters and a plot arc. Yet here I am again, feeling my stories hanging out, waiting to be told, while I stall and wonder if I can follow through with the next move.
Funny when nothing and everything changes.
Nothing new to report, except that Troy Johnson of AALBC recorded me speaking about my day at the Harlem Book Fair. Forgive the wrinkled-face squint, the sun was dominating my vision!
Ancient, Ancient Brief Promo Video
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